Thursday, February 26, 2009

quick check in

Quickly checking in before heading back to the studio to finish cleaning up...I am halfway there.

...another couple pages...

When I ordered my mannequin head they sent me a catalog of full body manne's and I was throwing it away....and I had a "wait a minute" moment. So these are now incorporated into the journal. DH didn't like this one, but I have a funny one that I will post tomorrow.

Off to the PO to pick up a certified letter....yuk! Last time I got one my mortgage company forgot to pay the taxes. I think I know what this is....I was recently a victim of credit card fraud.
On the happier side I am looking forward to Lola Jenkin's lecture at the quilt guild meeting tonight.

1 comment:

Citygirl.em said...

Susie...I didn't know about your kidney....did you donate to your husband, or visa versa? How cool and selfless!
