This is the back of the Birthday card I made for my God-Daughter (and great niece). I would show the front but I put her picture on it and her Mom would not want me to put her photo on the internet. And I would show the inside but it has a lot of other family member's pictures. So why show it at all, you ask? Because it is not only a card but a picture frame. They sell these at the craft store's. I think the brand is ME. It is heavy cardboard ready for painting or stamping or whatever you want to do to it. It opens and has a slot to put a gift card in it and after that is removed you can insert your favorite photo. It was her 13th birthday so I printed on the computer a bunch of 13's in different fonts and color's. Then put them all over the card and attached some to the ribbons and yarns on the side.
I just think it's something different for the harder to buy for teens and tweener's.
I can't keep up with you. Why aren't you working?
Working? You mean like a job? I just don't have the time. This IS my work.LOL!
i love this!! really wonderful.
thank you for the encouraging comments you left on my other site, Blue Mermaid Cafe...
That is so appreciated! May I add you to both my sites?
xoxo Nita
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