Today is the due date for Michelle Wards/Green Pepper Press Street Team's Crusade number 22. I have been pondering for a while and now is my last chance to do this. This month's crusade is about gratitude and paying it forward.
The thing I am most grateful for is the life I am living today. The life given to me by my loving husband, Bill. A little more than three years ago he selflessly gave me one of his kidneys. Not a second thought went through his mind, no doubts, in fact he got himself in the best of shape so that he could be my donor. No family members could donate as we all (my Mom and siblings all have/or had the dreaded kidney disease) and those who don't have it need to be aware that it could happen to them down the road. The doctor's have finally admitted that this could be hereditary.
As miracles do happen, Bill turned out to be a 100 percent match for me. So much that I never needed to take steroids. And the odds of that were one in a million.
Now for the pay it forward part. I like to participate in helping with others causes...sending pink socks for Michelle's Pink Wink, sending in my pink squares for Monica's Love Squares doll, ect.
But mainly I feel it's my responsibility to do my best to promote organ donation. And I do so whenever I can. I have tried to educate myself in order to answer questions when they arise about the donation process. People have misconceptions about what actually happens. Yes, you can still have a normal funeral and you can specify which organs may or may not be used.
In this age of recycling it makes total sense to me to recycle yourself and save lives in the process! And you or your loved one will live on....in the bodies of others. This to me is comforting.
Hi Suze, what a heartfelt post, it really touched me as my mother was the recipient of a donor kidney also.
When I was 21 my mum had total kidney failure and started down the long road of dialysis for a few years and thentrying to find a donor kidney. Her dear sister donated a kidney, but sadly it rejected. Months down the track another donor kidney was made available which luckily for us was a match. Back then, mum was on lots of anti-rejection drugs (which I am SO pleased that you dont have to take). These sadly took their toll on her after 12 WONDERFUL years... We were so lucky that a donor kidney was made available, so please everyone, find out how to be an organ donor...the best gift there is.
Love and hugs to your husband Bill for his wonderful gift to you and a special hug for wonderful you Suze. Thanks for sharing that part of your life with us.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story of true love and everyday miracles ! How amazing that your husband was a perfect match for you in so many, many ways !
Great job at spreading the organ donation message ! Well done, crusader !
Well written! Many states now have the donor option available when getting your driver's license.
Not that i expect, or want to be hit by a logging truck while biking to or from work, it is comforting to know that, should there be anything left, it could possibly save or extend a life.
wow suze - great story to learn that your husband was a perfect match. so much symbolism in that - it's stunning. spreading the word about organ donation is a valuable daily cause. bravo. we had hoped for a lung transplant for my sister but she had a bug that disqualified her - the process gave me so much more insight to the transplant teams and the terrific jobs they do. great post suze, and thanks for the socks!
Hi Suze
what a miraculous story you are telling us! And good you are tellling all of us about recycling, even body parts. Makes me think (and that's what you want ;-))
Thanks and thanks to your husband too, to enable you telling this story,
Haha, I've never heard about donating organs as "recycle" but I agree with you, it makes sence! I signed those papers years ago, so in case of death I'll be doing good! :-)
Beautiful post!
This is a beautiful love story. How amazing that this man was sent to you.....perfect in such an incredible way. Thank you for sharing this wonderful aspect of your grateful life. I really had no idea. Big hugs to you. xox Rella
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