This is my newest painting and I knew I was holding back on the pretty girls and needed to cut loose and get I inked and sanded and....well...take a look.

It's hard for me and I am taking baby steps. Showed it to DH and he stared at it for a while and then started to laugh. He said it looked like something my oldest daughter would do when she was in high school....but he said he liked it. I'm not so sure.

...close up with less light.
He said it was so Goth...well, isn't Halloween just around the corner? Geez! Well, I like her and look out on the next one.
Happy Wednesday :)
I like her too!
My boyfriends says something like that to me ALL the time! I will show him my newest painting and he will say something like "scary" on a painting that isn't the least bit scary! So, just shake it off and keep going :)
I like gothic style paintings... Just think that before you painted that girl there was nothing there. Now there is art!
So it's a guy thing.Thanks!
I like her too! My boyfriend will say 'that's nice' to just about anything I show him but sometimes I think he's just keeping the peace :)
We're having fun and that's what counts, right? Great job!
I really like that you are not afraid to put color on the faces. It gives the depth that.....
some miss.
I clicked on the close up and really enjoyed seeing it bigger than big.
she's GREAT! you gotta let out whatever is in you! that's the "GIFT" you have~
hey Sista! I'm doing a FUN collab video!!! COme over to my place & tell me your DIRTY LITTLE SECRET!!!
I love her! She's beautiful and mysterious! Way to try something new. Love your blog, thanks for sharing!
I think she is fab!
And if you like her, that's the point.
Thank you for the e-mail,
and you can't believe how excited I am for the mailwoman to come!
Thank you & Love to you and the 'art critic'
Wow! Thanks everyone for your kind comments and thoughts. I am off to paint some more.
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