Thursday, January 31, 2008

snowy day

I am still down and out with the creeping crud but feeling a little better than yesterday.
It's snowy and cold today, in the 20's and I am feeling bad for the birds. I took this picture of a Junco taking shelter in the dried morning glory vines.( I knew I had left them there for a reason) The little guy does look cute with the snow on his head.

Then they would fly sideways out to the feeder and back.
That's it for today....back to the couch.

1 comment:

Sharon Tomlinson said...

I sure hope your are better today. I "think" I am. I love seeing your birds. I wish I could get pictures of mine. I can say they are enjoying the sunflower seeds I keep out. I use to have Juncos but haven't seen any in a long while. It is cold here too but no snow.