Wednesday, May 7, 2008

a few more peeks

Here are a few more peeks at the monopoly board art. I thought I would have finished up already but I had to take a day off. Yesterday was the day from H-E-double hockey sticks!
Started off my day with a speeding ticket. But I didn't know I was speeding. I was doing the speed limit but I was in the school zone..... I thought I was out......I wasn't. As a matter of fact I drove right past the cop who pulled me over. He asked how I was doing. I said I was fine until I saw him behind me. I haven't had a ticket in over 30 years! I guess I was due for one.

I bowled pretty good. It was our last day and next week we bowl for fun and money. Then a really bad headache set in and I couldn't shake it. BUT TODAY I was up and working on my art and all is right with the world again.
So hopefully tomorrow it will be ready to show.


Periwinkle Pass Studio said...

Sounds like a really rough day. Your work is great - I can't wait to see the final board.

Joanne said...

Glad to see you are back..I was wondering what was "menopolizing" your time - get it.. ;-) Okay, that's probably not helping your headache. Sorry the day was a bad one, but glad that you are back in the studio and creating! Can't wait to see the finished project. Were your bowling shoes a hit? Can you tell that I just love them!!

Anonymous said...

Now that is what I call a bummer of a day! I am so sorry. But I have a mantra about that: Even a bad day ends at midnight!

Sharon Tomlinson said...


sorry bout your headache and the ticket but glad about your ART

ART solves all problems YES