Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
For the past 7 weeks now I have been suffering with pain in my back and leg. Being new in the area I was going to use the base here for my medical. I called for an appointment and explained that I was experiencing some severe pain and they gave me an appointment 4 weeks out. So finally the day came for my long awaited appointment and I drove an hour to get there only to be told that my appointment was cancelled and someone was supposed to have called me. No one called me and I was near tears and asked if someone could see me. NO! Not today....go to the emergency room. So I asked where it was....we dont have one, you need to go downtown.
I went home and started what I needed to do to see someone sooner off base.
After hours of talking to some pretty nasty people on the phone and some paperwork I finally was set up with a new PCM. A nurse...they couldn't see me for weeks and gave me a 10 minute appt. and she told me she didn't want to be my PCM. I agreed that I needed a real doctor and now I am scheduled to see him in JANUARY!
After hours of talking to some pretty nasty people on the phone and some paperwork I finally was set up with a new PCM. A nurse...they couldn't see me for weeks and gave me a 10 minute appt. and she told me she didn't want to be my PCM. I agreed that I needed a real doctor and now I am scheduled to see him in JANUARY!
Today I see a back doc.....but my back is better after a round of steroids. I am supposed to see a knee guy but they said the back doc will take care of it.OK...we'll see.
So I have a fluid accumulation on my knee and I can barely walk at times and can't handle stairs very well and guess where my computer is now? Yep....upstairs.
So bear with me with my sorely neglected blog....hopefully things will get resolved today and I can finish getting this studio set up and start making some art again!!
Have a great day!
It's 28 degrees today!
Monday, November 29, 2010
slow day is very sloooow!
Off to see another doctor today.
Hoping they can fix my leg or at least tell me what is wrong.
The pain is too bad to wait until my regular appointment on the 7th.
Lots to get done for the holiday season and I need my leg.
Anyway....think happy stuff!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
out of touch
Been out of touch... computer for days.
It was my needed resetting.
The poor guy talked me thru it on the phone.
I wouldn't let him hang up...we couldn't find it.
Told him I must not have was hiding in the wall in the hall closet.
Thought I would send out some color now that things are dying away here inthe states.
One last blooming rose.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I was sitting in the car with my friend when I saw this tree hanging on to it's last bit of color before dying. I jumped out and snapped this photo using the Hipstamatic app on my i phone.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Why am I just one number away from the big jackpot?
This keeps happening and last week the next number up was my number!
I give myself a break on Monday's and play with my friends.
I know-I know!
Get back to the art.
Setting up my sewing machine today.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
random friday on sat
I love being back in the land of the Chesapeake Bay.
Still have to empty those boxes into the upstairs studio.
I painted it a wild color and this will go perfectly.
I have the I just need the time!!
Have a great weekend!
This weekend is Punkin'Chunkin' weekend...
...they shoot pumpkins from air cannons!
Only in small town America!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
catch up
I went for the garden theme.
Mine is a softer fabric in a putty shade.
I'll post it later.
I'll post it later.
But oh so soft and compfy!
How that huge beautiful voice comes out of that tiny body is beyond me. And funny? She had us cracking up to the point of tears.
Well, I am off to vote now.
Happy Election Day!
Friday, October 29, 2010
random friday!
First of all let me apologize for my absence from bloglandia.
Still painting rooms and unpacking if you can believe that.
Throw in some traveling and some family drama ...
...but now I am set to settle back in and post on a regular basis again.
I took this pic this morning with the new Hipstamatic app on my phone.
I need to practice and play with it some more.
Goes to show that everything old is new again.
I've always said newer is not always better.
(In case you are's one of my pumpkin angel dolls.)
And yes, I know I need to update my profile info now that I am no longer residing in the Heartland. I like it there but I really love being back on the East coast close to my family.
Be safe...
and have a
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
little sewing buddy
Inch by inch and day by day I am getting there.
I think maybe climbing a mountain would be easier!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
oops! random Friday on Saturday night
These are some pic's of the studio powder room in my old studio...we changed realtors after 4 months and 2 people looking at the house.
The previous realtor liked it and said keep it....not the new guy.
...and paint over my called artwork.
The previous realtor liked it and said keep it....not the new guy.
Moving on...
...time to let it go.
I even painted stuff on the ceiling...
....gonna need a neck rub.
Hoping to catch up with my OK buds while I am there.
Hoping to catch up with my OK buds while I am there.
I miss you guys!
Thanks to Susan and all of you who are bearing with me while I get myself settled in.
I am sooo out of the blogging loop and will be back real soon.
Friday, October 1, 2010
random friday
I have not forgotten you...
....I have not quit my blog.
I am still sorting things out...
...unpacking and painting.
Little by little it's all starting to come together.
For now I promise to post at least once a week.
Probably on Fridays.
The studio is starting to shape up and next week I will start posting some photo's.
I am having major art cravings and admit to collaging a few items here and there....and today I am going to a quilt shop. It's been months and I have not bought any fabric!!! Not that i need any but keeps me off the streets.
Have a great Friday!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I feel so naked without posting some sort of photo.
I am on the old computer and it doesn't want to upload anything.
Earl was a bust...not even a good rain.
But that's OK.
Last week was a hard one for me as my niece lost her husband to a heart attack. He was only 36 years old and this was totally a shock to everyone. They have a 7 year old son and she is expecting a baby girl in January. Things like this remind me that every day is a gift.
So I have been enjoying time with my family and the house will get done when it gets done. But it is coming along. Guest room one is finished and I have started on the studio walls. The garage is full of boxes that need to come up to the studio and I am determined to get it done pretty quick so I can make some art and put my car in the garage.
I'll be back on random friday and promise some photo's then.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
storm warning
Here comes Earl...what a welcome!
I love a good storm but I am going to sit this one out.
I'm outta here!
master bed room...done
master bath ...done
living room ....almost done
working on the kitchen.
Got some pretty oops paint for the studio.
Getting there inch by inch.
Monday, August 30, 2010
made it
Made it...
...not art.
not yet...
....but in the new home and getting settled in.
I'll post a pic of my new studio to be....lots of work to do.
Just wanted to touch base and let you know all is well.
I'm itching to make art and sew but the only thing I am painting right now are walls and the only thing I am sewing is curtains...boring!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
sweet escape
I went to post my last blog before leaving and DH had already boxed up my computer so I am on my old one and found these quilt blocks I made a while I will post a few of them here.
...not sure about this one. personal velvet

who doesn't love yellow cake with chocolate frosting?
Well, it's that time...last blog entry for a while.
Movers will be here in the morning and we are still packing.
Movers will be here in the morning and we are still packing.
Had to take a few minutes and say bye for now.
Packing and watching So You Think You Can Dance finale.
Packing and watching So You Think You Can Dance finale.
Isn't that Kent a cutie?
See you all in about a month!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You would think that my state of frustration would stem from all the packing and stress from the upcoming move...not!
It's from my so called foot Doctor...
He took x rays and told me he would call the next day before leaving for his vacation.
He never called.
I show up for my next appointment and he walks in like I'm a new patient and asks what can he do for me.
So I hold up my foot with the giant air cast boot he put me in...hello?
Then he asks "what did you do?"
What I wanted to do was (not very nice) put that boot somewhere and wake him up.
So he goes to get my x rays and walks into another room and sees another patient!
He never did give me the x ray results and told me I need physical therapy at least 3 days a week...and sends me on my way.
What about the boot? It's up to you he says...wear it or not.
Next I go for a second says I did not tear my Achilles tendon and recommends me to a bone doctor.
Bone doc says I have a Haglund's Deformity and I need something for pain until I decide to have it surgically removed.
Being a transplant patient I cannot take anti inflammatory they call my nephrologist and he's on vacation in Canada!
Being a transplant patient I cannot take anti inflammatory they call my nephrologist and he's on vacation in Canada!
I need his OK and he has been back since Monday and no one will call me back and let me know if I can use this pain patch. I have called every day and I'm still waiting......
Well this has been a very long post for me...thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
I am now going back to the land of Military doctors.
Happy Wednesday!
(May it be pain free for all.)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
recipe for moving....
...another recipe box...
lots and lots of lists!
Thanks to all who sent me cat travel tips!
Much appreciated!!
I am purchasing another cat carrier and I got some herbal calming elixir from the vet. Starting to calm them now before Friday and they are less likely to freak out when the movers get here.
Have a great day!
Friday, August 6, 2010
random friday
Next Friday will be frazzled friday....
...movers everywhere and me running around
like a crazy person (no comments plz).
like a crazy person (no comments plz).
...500 miles a day...
...trek in two cars with 2 frazzled cats!
Yea...I looking forward to that.
Any helpful travel hints?
I never traveled with animals before.
We will have to pack our lunches...
...I just hope they don't freak out too much.
This is their first move.
Anyway...Have a great weekend!
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