Friday, August 22, 2008


Yay for Friday!
First of all I would like to thank all of you for your kind comments on and about my little blog.
I know that other blogs inspire me and it's nice to know that I also inspire others. So a big heartfelt THANK YOU!!

I was at the store the other day and gave the cashier this bill to pay for my stuff and being a fifty dollar bill she has to check it to see if it's real. She holds it up and starts laughing. Oh nuts! I it funny money I asked? Then she said you may want to keep this and showed it to me. Ha! Just had to share.....another day in my life,


Joanne said...

Love, love, love the bill!

ok said...

Hi Suze, Thanks for responding to my blog. I gotta say, the band naming piece wasn't some of my best work.
I love your art. Amazing!
I am in awe. Really beautiful.
I look forward to seeing more.