Monday, March 3, 2008

monday ...again

Today's peek at the studio is my chandelier. It was made to put candles on but I just put white decorative lights in it. Candles and my studio don't go hand in hand. My house would blow like a roman candle if a spark ignited in there.

The weather here is weird. Saturday was a balmy 75 degrees. Sunday we had a heck of a storm with high wind, flooding rains, hail, and yep, a tornado. No one hurt. We had our shoes by our shelter place and the sirens were blaring but hey, we still had power and TV! Today's weather?


Sharon Tomlinson said...

I'm loving these studio peeks. This one is fabulous.
And the cans too

PennyBlue said...

Glad to hear you're okay. Love your chandelier! I've always wanted one...but we have an old house, old plaster ceilings and well...we would basically have to do some ripping apart to get it to work. Anyhooo....Happy Tuesday!